Macquarie Science Quotations

The following are a few of the quotes from the science campaign at Macquarie University:

"A far more serious problem is the one related to the future of Macquarie University as a science institution. In this respect one could quite legitimately ask: will science survive at this University if the present trend continues?" (F. J. Duarte, M. Golding, and B. Bulliman, University News, June 1977).

"Is Macquarie going to adjust itself to the present times or continue to pose as the New Oxford University?" (B. Bulliman and F. Duarte, Arena, July 1977).

"It is hoped that the action of our own students will contribute to the aim of letting science at Macquarie to be seen to be done! (T. L. Tansley, University News, August 1977).

"Uni revolt simmers... students campaign for science degree" (Northern District Times, November 9, 1977).

"We are confident of victory" (Frank Duarte, in Northern District Times, November 9, 1977).

"Indeed, it is quite obvious that the present situation at Macquarie is analogous to that of being in a tunel with only one clear end" (F. J. Duarte and M. Brandt, Arena, August 1978).

"Introducing a BSc would not only add prestige to the University but also longevity. It would not be a deceptive and fraudulent expense... It will assist in promoting the University as a balanced functional universal institution" (F. J. Duarte and M. Brandt, Arena, August 1978).

"The last edition of Arena, headlining the BSc issue, was banned from being distributed... other articles... written by 'progresive left'... were not called into question..." (Arena, September 1978).

"... for the first time in the history of Macquarie University an issue inherent to our very own academic environment became the core of the political process" (F. J. Duarte, Arena, September 1978).

"... the great majority calls for a change from the present structure, a change that will lead towards a better and stronger Macquarie" (F. J. Duarte, Arena, September 1978).

"After more than two years of intense debate, the academic senate of Macquarie University has approved the introduction of a... Bachelor of Science degree" (The Sydney Morning Herald, September 13, 1979).

"The decision represents the fruits of a two-year campaign... and follows some particularly fierce internal politicking at the university" (The Bulletin, 100 (9), 140 (1979)).

"...some of the oponents of the degree... complained of naked intimidation by the science people" (The Bulletin 100 (9), 140 (1979)).

"I was one of the noisy BSc pushers, perhaps, I was the noisiest of the BSc pushers..." (F. J. Duarte, University News, September 1980).

"If there exists any kind of division in the Macquarie academic community, it is not between left and right, nor is it between the Scienes and the Humanities; it is between those who believe in academic excellence and those who don't" (F. J. Duarte, University News, September 1980).

"One of Ward's few close friends at Macquarie is... Frank Duarte... the two make an odd couple - the restrained rather distant Englishman and the intense, earnest South American" (The Bulletin 101 (11), 49-50 (1980)).

Macquarie Physics History

Page published on the 6th of March, 2005

Last updated on the 17th of February, 2017